About Me

Spend some time on this page to learn a little bit more about me, my career, and my views on Marketing.

How Can I Help You Be Successful Today?

Anyone in a marketing management position can sit back and raise a team of drones to market a company. I'd like to think that I work a little differently. I consider myself a "working manager". I wholly believe that leaders achieve results by giving priority attention to the needs of their colleagues and those they serve. They need to listen, be aware, have foresight and work to grow their employees and build community amongst them. My job is to enable others to succeed and I am truly happy doing so.

What I Do In My Day-to-Day Life

Although I do a great deal of freelance work for non-profits, small businesses and start-ups, I have a day-to-day job as well that pays the bills.

I'm a committed marketing professional with a proven record of accomplishment in planning and leading comprehensive marketing strategies in support of business goals and objectives.

I have expertise in both developing and directing the creation of integrated marketing communications tools as well as steering the execution of strategic marketing programs. I have demonstrated success driving growth in targeted markets through the implementation of key marketing programs.

I have displayed solid leadership skills over the past 25 years and am able to build and guide top-performing marketing teams. I am quite adept at communicating with management, vendors, and internal departments to coordinate overall marketing efforts.

My View On Good and Bad Marketing

What's the difference between good marketing and bad marketing? Personally, I like Richard Stooker's definition which says, "Good marketing is centered on [serving] the customer and helping the customer solve a problem or meet a need or desire. Bad marketing is centered on the company and product."

Good sales and marketing is UNselfish, because to be effective it must center on the needs and desires of the people who want that product or service. For example, bad (ineffective) marketing says, "We're a wonderful company and you should buy our product because it is so wonderful." However, good marketing (and by "good" I mean effective) says, "Our product is wonderful because it will help you do this, solve that problem, and feel good."

From My Portfolio

HERE's Something I'm
Proud Of

Over the past 25 years of my career in marketing, I have received an Employee of the Year or Employee of the Month recognition from each of the companies I have worked for. I promise that I'll work just as hard for you.

That's right... don't just take my word for it. My references consist of past employers and clients that are pleased to tell you my history of top performance and committment to company core values. Contact me directly to receive a list of my references today.